征稿启事|Digital Economy and Digital Society in the Metaverse
发布时间:2022-09-15JOEUC Special Issue Call for Papers
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC)
(SSCI Q1, 2021 IF 7.4, ABDC List B Journal)
Special Issue
Digital Economy and Digital Society in the Metaverse
Recently, a growing number of enterprises are actively deploying Metaverse applications. The Metaverse generally refers to an interactive, immersive, and collaborative virtual world environment that is shared among the online crowds (Kim, 2021). With digital technologies, the Metaverse can empower digital economy development and digital society management. Many industries, including health management, virtual game, smart tourism, and city planning are utilizing decentralized Metaverse techniques to afford socialization, play and work (Chen & Zhang, 2022).
Recently, several innovations have emerged in the new era of Metaverse (Zhang et al., 2020). For example, cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFT) enable users to truly own the digital assets purchased within the metaverse. Individuals in the metaverse can self-present themselves with the embodied avatars, and design more fancy creations combining reality and imagination. Virtual reality and augmented reality techniques are continuously upgrading to support the immersive virtual world (Di Pietro & Cresci, 2021).
The Metaverse not only includes the interpersonal interactions in virtual spaces, but also a mix of physical and virtual worlds to realize human-machine symbiosis. Consequently, the Metaverse will potentially bring about fundamental changes in the entire social environment and economic activities. Traditional theories, managerial wisdoms and operation rules of the digital economy and digital society might be challenged by the Metaverse (Chandra & Leenders, 2012; Cheng et al., 2016). New strategies need to be developed to utilize the Metaverse along with the other channels of websites with two-dimensional navigation, and offline (Zarifis, 2019).
Objective of Special Issue
This special issue invites contributions from a variety of conceptual and theoretical perspectives. We particularly welcome behavioral studies that explore the new interaction and collaboration modes regarding to Metaverse, provide multidisciplinary perspectives and theory adaptations, and/or adopt mixed methods research approaches. We hope the submissions can advance our understanding of how the Metaverse can be designed and managed for improving the digital economy and digital society. We also encourage theoretical explorations on how the economic ecosystems and behavioral rules could be set for a better digital society.
Recommended Topics
Behavioral issues interacting with virtual reality and augmented reality
Distributed collaboration in the Metaverse
E-healthcare and management in the Metaverse
Trust, privacy and security issues in the Metaverse
Electronic business innovation in the Metaverse
Digital society innovation and governance in the virtual world
Virtual world and applications for the elderly
Artifact design for an immersive virtual world
Digital identity management in the virtual world
Metaverse to afford online travel experiences
Human-AI collaboration and interaction for the Metaverse
Digital assets allocation and digital economy in the Metaverse
Metaverse and decentralized (blockchain) infrastructures
Algorithms design to support Metaverse management
Metaverse as a part of a multichannel strategy
Special Issue co-editor(s)
Alex Zarifis, University of Cambridge, UK
Email: alex.e.zarifis@gmail.com
Xusen Cheng(Corresponding Editor), Renmin University of China, China
Email: xusen.cheng@ruc.edu.cn
Kai Li, Nankai University, China
Email: likai@nankai.edu.cn
Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for this special theme issue on Digital Economy and Digital Society in the Metaverse on or before January 31st, 2023. All submissions must be original and may not be under review by another publication. INTERESTED AUTHORS SHOULD CONSULT THE JOURNAL’S GUIDELINES FOR MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSIONS at
http://www.igi-global.com/publish/contributor-resources/before-you-write/.All submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind, peer review basis. Papers must follow APA style for reference citations.
This is a full open access journal. Authors of manuscripts that are accepted to publish in this special issue will be expected to pay the article processing charge.
All inquiries should be directed to the attention of : Alex Zarifis, Xusen Cheng, Kai Li
Guest Editors
Journal of Organizational and End-User Computing (JOEUC)
Email: alex.e.zarifis@gmail.com